Alutecnos Veloce Reels

Albacore Veloce Reels
The family of Albacore reels is getting bigger. Easily recognizable thanks to the blue colour of the handle and drag release button, the 20 lbs Alutecnos Veloce reels keep unchanged all the characteristics that made them famous in the standard version and differ only for the ratio which in this case is 6,2:1 (instead od 4:1), so as to allow an easy and swift retrieving of line.
20 Veloce
Model ALV2000B
Line Capacity: 800m/875yd 20 lb
Gear Ratio: 6,2:1
Weight: 0,87 kg/30.5 oz.
The family of Albacore reels is getting bigger. Easily recognizable thanks to the blue colour of the handle and drag release button, the 20 lbs Alutecnos Veloce reels keep unchanged all the characteristics that made them famous in the standard version and differ only for the ratio which in this case is 6,2:1 (instead od 4:1), so as to allow an easy and swift retrieving of line.
20 Veloce
Model ALV2000B
Line Capacity: 800m/875yd 20 lb
Gear Ratio: 6,2:1
Weight: 0,87 kg/30.5 oz.